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Use what crumbles

January 7, 2021

Maybe you're not here to build anything. The resources and foundations are already here. They were here when you arrived. You don't need to build anything, really. The real work to be done is not physical.

This existence isn't even well suited for building things. Building is tedious! It takes so long — years, maybe lifetimes. We have precious little time, and short lives.

You will have time enough to build to your standards of perfection. For now, focus on what cannot be done in a timeless dream. Imagine a virtual realm for instance. That's the domain for pure work for pure form.

You are here to live. To perform deeds. To enact the drama.


“I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes.”

— Gospel of Thomas

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The Great Mystery

December 17, 2020

To live within the great mystery is to exist in the highest resolution simulation imaginable. It fools all the senses. It is the sensed and the sensation. For the simulation to be perfect, you must not be able to interrogate it to the point of realization of the mystery.

You must be stopped, at all costs, even by the hand of God, to prevent you from disrupting the simulation.

The very mind, the very physical material of the mind, must not be able to be interrogated completely. The runtime must exceed the physical limitations of the simulation.

But to make a good mystery, there needs to be rational instructions to follow to achieve the goal of knowing the mind of the puzzle creator.

If you can't figure out the puzzle, even with all the time in the universe to solve it, then the puzzle is no good. The rules need to be discoverable and fair.

You can trust that there's a way to solve it, you just haven't found the right approach yet.

Surely the creator left clues. Surely there are breadcrumbs. Surely the creator didn't forget to include a starting point to even guess at the ultimate goals.

And so you go looking for Easter eggs. Hints that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. A way out. Or at least to confirm the game exists.

So you look High and low Far and wide.

You employ art, philosophy and science.

You realize that the only way to know the mind of the creator is to create your own simulation.

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You've been here before

August 11, 2020

I think I've experience death. I remember dying. Why would that be? It isn't just one death either. And it isn't just a brief flash. No, I remember all the excruciating moments up to the final instance before I "wake up."

The most vivid deaths are of apocalyptic scenarios. Tidal waves the size of mountains. I can't describe the horror at seeing such approaching inevitable oblivion. Whatever preceding moment is wiped clean by consuming terror. There's no next action to take, except maybe to tremble.

I do remember waking up crying. The death is not immediate after the crashing wave. Sometimes you're buoyed up and flung impossible distances in the sky. Of course it really does end on impact, but not before you get to see more than you would rather understand about the destruction of your body.

What really rattles you is the sound. So loud and from every direction at once. It feels as though the sound alone might tear you apart.

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The stars speak

July 28, 2020

They really spelled it out for us. The gods and the planets — it is all there if you just look. The entire theory of the zodiac... It is all right there in the sky. Hell, you don't even have to plot the precession and take painstaking measurements — that's not the point.

All you need to do is direct your attention skyward on a clear night. Focus on the point of light and still your mind. That's what our ancestors figured out how to do that we forgot.

Just listen to the night sky. It has a voice. Thoughts will appear in your mind.

Now of course, most focus on the big shiny ones. Jupiter. Venus. Mars. Each pin prick of light is an intelligent source, willing to converse. Not necessarily our ancestors, but they might be relatives.

Here's where it gets weird... Even the space between the stars will respond when questioned. Be careful where you focus. There's some places in the sky where you shouldn't look.
