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I think I've experience death. I remember dying. Why would that be? It isn't just one death either. And it isn't just a brief flash. No, I remember all the excruciating moments up to the final instance before I "wake up."

The most vivid deaths are of apocalyptic scenarios. Tidal waves the size of mountains. I can't describe the horror at seeing such approaching inevitable oblivion. Whatever preceding moment is wiped clean by consuming terror. There's no next action to take, except maybe to tremble.

I do remember waking up crying. The death is not immediate after the crashing wave. Sometimes you're buoyed up and flung impossible distances in the sky. Of course it really does end on impact, but not before you get to see more than you would rather understand about the destruction of your body.

What really rattles you is the sound. So loud and from every direction at once. It feels as though the sound alone might tear you apart.