True volition

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The pressures of the world seem to be building an eternal mind. Atlantis is real. Valhalla is real. It is all real. Every pain-free conception of existence exists as a counterpoint to this life.

Those zones are a resting point between lessons with death. The main plot line.

We are in the devil's playground. We are not in Elwynn Forest. We are here to confront death and to learn from it. Pain, loss, grief, suffering and limitations. These are the frameworks of the immortal mind.

Why would an immortal suffer the life of a mortal in full? To become worthy of greater life and responsibility.

Greater agency. Greater consciousness. Greater knowledge of God, creation and the mystery.

We do it to evolve. Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.

What has changed? You! You've become aware of the changes necessary to progress. You must learn and test your hypothesis. You must have skin in the game. You have to hold beliefs and follow them with conviction.


When you meditate, you will sometimes have glimpses of true volition.

It is flying through clouds and space, free as a bird, but with none of the limitations. You are unrestrained happiness with knowledge of ubound freedom. There is no hesitation. No worry. You have perfect awareness of bliss.

The threat is that you might be worthy of such love. To exist in a universe where a perfect moment is possible. Sustainable. Achievable.

For all you know, this could be your one true value. You might exist to know this path. You might be in it right now.