# Sleep

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March 7, 2021

A dreams is primarily the domain of emotions — and yet — you can find yourself undertaking terribly monotonous and repetitive tasks. You can even become bored! Upon waking you might feel annoyed that you essentially did "work" all night long. Aren't dreams supposed to be restful?

No, even in sleep you are at risk of boredom.

What does this tell you about the prospects of the immortal dreamer?

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Save point

February 21, 2021

If sleeping is a save point — the point of renormalization and absolution — if any version of myself had chosen to resume my life from this day, then there is a good chance it is to correct some "mistake" and try for better outcomes. If that is so, then it means all prior experience have been deemed acceptable for integration into my total self. That means I'm not going back and fixing things that I might "regret."

That means I have the freedom to move forward, unchained from the mistakes of the past, because it is likely that only good outcomes await.

You now have strength of conviction. Move forward without regrets.
